Saturday, March 7, 2009

desperately seeking rhoda

lucy and ethel. wilma and betty. florida and willona. mary and rhoda. the sitcoms i grew up watching (and i watched a lot of them) showed me all of these examples of female best friends who were also neighbors. that physical proximity often led to zany, madcap adventures. they got jobs together and stuffed their puffy hats with chocolates. they won prize money with their upside down flint rubble bubble cake. they also endured job loss and and overbearing parents and silly husbands and disappointing boyfriends and why-can't-i-be-in-the-show-ricky. they were a part of each other's daily routines. 

maybe this is a totally unrealistic model of friendship, but it's also a really appealing one.

the reality is that i don't live any closer than a two-hour drive from my dearest friends. over the years i've gotten used to being relatively far away from my high school girlfriends since i don't live near the city where i grew up. i still do live in the town where i attended grad school but, not surprisingly, the wonderful friends i made during those years have spread out across the country to do research, get jobs, start families, etc. even my sisters-in-law are in different states. at this stage in my life, it seems that work should be the most obvious place to make new friends, but that's a bit complicated by my one-hour commute. 

happily, our social lives have been busier than they have been in years lately. we're in a dinner club with my husband's work friends and their spouses, we've been invited into a wine tasting group through one of those couples, and we have great relationships with my departmental colleagues and their families. and i do my best to keep in close contact with my best girls from coast to coast and jump at the few and far between chances to see them in person...

but i don't have an ethel, a willona, a betty, a rhoda. i have had them, but not right now. maybe part of me thought that i'd have made all of my life's close friends by now and that i wouldn't have to work (is it work?) at making new ones. but i know that i miss having those relationships in my life. so maybe the title of this post is hyperbole--i'm not desperate. but i guess i am seeking. 


Betsy said...

Me too!
It's the one thing I really yearn for. Had me in tears at an Indigo Girls concert once...because I was there with Pete. And when I do meet a possible Rhoda I get so overcome with fear that I'm going to smother I keep my distance. OR I find out that she's such a great Rhoda that everyone else wants to be her MTM also...and then I just feel jealous. I can think of a few candidates in my vicinity. Two moved away. The other is so busy and dare I say "popular" that I'm lucky to get a coffee date every few months. Oy. Thank goodness for facebook, no?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

just testing

Anonymous said...

I'm also in the same boat. It is kind of sad. I have my friends from my New Mamas group, but it is funny - I hesitate to call them my friends sometimes. At times, I refer to them as the New Mamas. But then today, I emailed them about some stuff I'm having trouble with and they were there - they are my friends. Maybe one of them will end up being my Rhoda.

Brandy said...

this truly is the saddest thing. when you spend years with friends and then end up living in different places, it's hard to maintain the same level of everyday comfort. visits have to take on a dramatic level of re-connecting, when if you live in the same place, you can stop by for just a few minutes and just "be." i definitely miss that. it takes new friends soooo long to come near to the "old" ones. sometimes i never know if they make it.